Sunday, May 30, 2010

49th and 50th day - Doors Open Toronto

Hello everybody!

This weekend was 11th Doors Open Toronto. 150 buildings to visit free. Of course I didn’t go everywhere, however I took advantage of the event to visit different places and to learn more about Toronto, Canada and the history.

So, let’s start about my yesterday trip. You can see the pictures in the last post.

City Hall: Since its opening in 1965, Toronto City Hall has been one of Toronto’s most famous landmarks. Facing City Hall, you can see the rounded structure that houses the Council Chamber, with the curved towers rising on each side. The west tower is 20 floors and the east tower is 27 floors. If you were to fly above the city hall you would notice the building looks like an eye between two eyelids.

In my visit to the City Hall I took a picture with the Mayor of Toronto, David Miller. I saw him and said “ Excuse-me, Sir! May I take a picture?” he said “For sure!” and in this moment he took my cam and he took the picture of us. Funny.

Old City Hall: The biggest municipal building in North America. Now it’s a court house. My visit there was good, but I can’t took some pictures there. Old furniture, marble etc.

Canada Life: Assurance Company. So, I discovered what is Canada Life. Do you remember any of my first topic I didn’t know what was Canada Life. So, It is a Assurance Company. Well, my visit was so-so. I just took the elevator to 17th floor, I saw the view, and… Bye!

Osgoode Hall: Is one of the oldest buildings in Toronto, and, also it is a Toronto landmark and the hub of legal life in Ontario for over 175 years. In Osgoode Hall I visit courtrooms, library, convocation hall…

Ontario’s Legislative Building: My visit here was nice. Italian marble, huge structure, and I visit the Legislative Chamber and the Speaker’s rooms.

University of Toronto: My visit here was so-so. The campus is huge. A lot of old, however beautiful buildings. But, it was just it.

To finished my yesterday day, I ate chicken soup (Canja!). Is Canja for sick people? Yes, I was sick. I’m better today.

Now, my day today:

Fella, today I was not with the same power, the same strength, to visit a lot of places, however, I went! I’m brazilian I never give up. ( Ok, ok, bad joke!)

So, today I went to:

Fort York: About what is the Fort York you can read in the pictures below. My ride there was good, but I hoped to see more. Well, there I could learn more about the Toronto history, and I could see a English Country Dance demonstration.

The Cathedral Church of St. James: Anglican Church. Toronto’s first church. It is a beautiful and historical place. I liked to go there. It is a gothic style building.
In my visit in the Church I met a funny old woman. I don’t remember her name, maybe Sara. She is from Jamaica, but she’s lived in Toronto for 30 years. I talked with her and she said my English is good. Ok, she was nice.

Toronto’s First Post Office: My friends, a lot of Toronto’s Guides say: “ Visit Toronto’s First Office, it is nice!”. Don’t believe! It’s bullshit! The First Post Office is a tiny room with few stuffs. I was generous about “few stuffs“, because in this Museum you can see nothing!

St. Lawrence Market: It isn’t in the list of Doors Open Toronto, but I went there. It is a big market and very funny. People sell everything in this place, old books, old pictures, dishes, garbage, old stuffs, garbage, garbage, garbage. If you want to sell your old shoes, go there! If you want to sell your dog, go there! If you want to sell your family pictures, go there! Or, if you want to buy something or just laugh, also, go there!

Restaurant The Corner Place Lounge: Well, end of the day, I needed to ate something. I found this place and I decided to try. I ate Baked Portuguese Chicken and I drank a lot of coke.

So my friends! This was my weekend with Open Door Toronto.

So, see you later!

Enjoy your monday!

Hugs for all!

My lunch



Toronto's First Post Office

My Jamaican Friend

Anglican Church

Anglican Church

Cards in Fort York

Fort York

Country Dance


Street Car

Saturday, May 29, 2010


City Hall and Old City Hall

Art Gallery

Canada Life


Legistative Chamber

Legislative Chamber

Queen's Park

Osgoode Hall

Mayor's Office

Old City Hall

My friend talking with Mr. Bush.

My friend David Miller, the mayor of Toronto.

Old City Hall

New City Hall

Albert's Class

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Juventus x Fiorentina - Roger Centre

Hello Everybody!

The night before yesterday I went to Roger Centre watch the friendly game between Juventus and Fiorentina, both are form Italy. The game was slow, but the event was nice. The stadium is amazing. Air conditioning. Upholstered chair. Many shops to buy food and drink. VIP lounges. Clean bathrooms and everywhere.

The best player was Jovtic from Fiorentina, he scored a amazing goal!

Keirrison played like a doll! Arght!


A lot of Italians fans.

Security dressing tie.

Fiorentina 1 x 0 Juventus

Good place to watch the game.

Del Piero was there!

Toronto Soccer Showcase

Before entering the stadium.

Jovtic the best player!

See you everybody!

Hugs for all!

Monday, May 24, 2010

44th Day: A kind of "Welcome Summer"

Hello Everybody!

Today is Victoria Day. Holiday. Victoria Day (in French: FĂȘte de la Reine) is a federal Canadian statutory holiday celebrated on the last Monday before or on May 24, in honour of both Queen Victoria's birthday and the current reigning Canadian sovereign's official birthday, and is also considered an informal mark of the beginning of the summer season. (Wikipedia)

The Canadians were very happy today, because today was very warm. So this holiday was a kind of " Welcome Summer". Because the good and warm weather, I went to The Beaches, also known as "The Beach". It is a neighbourhood and popular tourist destination located in Toronto, near Lake Ontario.
The place is very beautiful. There were a lot of people there, doing barbecue, playing beach voleyball, talking, running, riding by bicycle or roller blade, and why not playing "Bocha"? Hahah! Yeah! There are a Club of this sport near the Beaches. Of course, a lot of white heads!

Another feature that is related to this " Kind of Welcome Summer" is the fact that today many Canadians were doing their gardens. After all, the chance of a frost this time of year is lower, so the risk of damaging the flowers is lower too.

Today I had breakfast and dinner outside the house, in the garden. Canadias are very happy with the warm weather.


The Beaches

More volleyball


Bocha :P