Monday, May 24, 2010

44th Day: A kind of "Welcome Summer"

Hello Everybody!

Today is Victoria Day. Holiday. Victoria Day (in French: Fête de la Reine) is a federal Canadian statutory holiday celebrated on the last Monday before or on May 24, in honour of both Queen Victoria's birthday and the current reigning Canadian sovereign's official birthday, and is also considered an informal mark of the beginning of the summer season. (Wikipedia)

The Canadians were very happy today, because today was very warm. So this holiday was a kind of " Welcome Summer". Because the good and warm weather, I went to The Beaches, also known as "The Beach". It is a neighbourhood and popular tourist destination located in Toronto, near Lake Ontario.
The place is very beautiful. There were a lot of people there, doing barbecue, playing beach voleyball, talking, running, riding by bicycle or roller blade, and why not playing "Bocha"? Hahah! Yeah! There are a Club of this sport near the Beaches. Of course, a lot of white heads!

Another feature that is related to this " Kind of Welcome Summer" is the fact that today many Canadians were doing their gardens. After all, the chance of a frost this time of year is lower, so the risk of damaging the flowers is lower too.

Today I had breakfast and dinner outside the house, in the garden. Canadias are very happy with the warm weather.


The Beaches

More volleyball


Bocha :P


  1. Nossa que lugar maravilhoso!!! deve ser mto bom passar o dia aí!! Continue blogando mais.. ultimamente vc está mto preguiçoso!!

    Bjo amore!

  2. Bocha lembra o sul rsrsrs!
    Qualquer povo é feliz no calor rsrsrs
    Veja os brasileiros!
