Wednesday, May 12, 2010

32th Day: About my first month!

In the first months I could see that Toronto is a cool city. What is less here is Canadians, but okay.

I discovered that the water that people drink is from the tap. Everyone here fills the bottles of water overnight and

leave open to chlorine evaporate. In every restaurant I went, they served me free water with ice and lemon.

Here the people read a lot on the subway, or read the free newspaper, or some other newspaper, or books, which in most cases from the public library.

I found that the temperature can vary more than 10 degrees, or even more in one day.

I discovered that Brazilians are known as party animals, and I was classified as a different and more seriously Brazilian by my hostmother.

I discovered that Brazil and known for football, carnival and violence. The gringos have discovered that the Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo aren't the brazilian capital. The gringos have found that Brazil isn't "so big" as the French, and yes, much bigger!

I confirmed that you can not generalize anything. Not stereotype nobody and nothing that is the best thing to do.

Quebec and discovered that a kind of Rio Grande do Sul, they want to separate from Canada, but they don' want to separate currency.


I discovered that not all are roses in the first world. The health system does not cover diseases related to eyes. Schools Students also approved disqualified. Student needs to move to the next grade at any cost.

Here also is "Blue Zone(Zona Azul)" and it is really expensive. The ones I looked at ranged from CAN $ 2.00 CAN $ 2.50 per hour. And the police really fine cars without the card.

For the time being and only ....

Yesterday I Went to a PUB to play Poker. I had to sign a waiver that I was aware that the game was just "4fun. For me in the beginning was good, because I don't want to lose money, after all I don't know how to play poker. But in the end I was surprised.

The game started with six tables with 8 players per table. I arrived at the final table and I finished in second in the

league. Luck Novice!

Players began to be angry with my mistakes on the table, and one very angry asked me where I come from. I replied "I'm from Argentina." After all the guy was mad at me, so that he becomes mad with an Argentine and not with a

Brazilian. Hahahahaha!

Today in the afternoon class, we went in front of police station near the school where he was having an exhibition on car accidents and the special police.

The dinner was magnificent today. I ate shrimp, a giant mushroom, brocolis, green beans and orange potatoes(or something).

Cold day!





See ya!

A strong hug for everyone!

Miss you!


  1. Nossa vai ficar mal acostumado... comendo camarão e salmão quase tds os dias...que sorte que vc teve!! Adorei o post de hj... seu ingles está cada vez melhor..mto bom saber das diferenças culturais!! se cuida e aproveite mto!!

    Bjo amor!

  2. Adorei o post de hj!!!

    Realmente não existe lugar melhor que o Brasil??????!!!!!

    Bjos e juízo!!!!!

  3. assim sim! =) Adorei o post tb!! =D
    e o ingles esta bem melhor =D
