Sunday, May 16, 2010

36th Day: Some vocabulary, weekend and Little Italy!

Hello everybody!

Today I will show you some street vocabulary and their meanings.

My dollar - I will pay
My queen - My wife
Old Lady - Wife or mother
Where you headed - Where are you going?
Jerk - Idiot
High profile position - Important position
Are you out of your mind? - Are you crazy?
Are you gonna walk away from me? - Are you going to ignore me?
He's a piece of work - He's a bad person.
Stand by me - Support me
Leave it - Forget/Stop it
Better late never - It's better to do something later than never do it at all.
I'm still behind the 8 ball - I have no chance.
Broham - Brother
Homey - Friend
Big as life - Very real
You cool? - Are you ok?
Stay cool - Relax!
For sure - Of course
You are long way him Starbucks - You are the wrong place
Give me a break - Stop annoying me



So my weekend was good. On friday after school I went to Vaughan Mills Outlet ( ) with Fabio, brazilian, Erick, mexican, and another two mexicans that I don't know their names.

Saturday I went to Pearson International Airport to resolve my problens with my tickets to come back to Brazil. It was hard to negotiate with Air Canada. They are hard! When I was going to the airport I thought a lot in the day that Maju will arrive. I'm anxious for this day. After airport I went to Wall Mart to buy shaving cream hehe, and after I went to Starbucks. I called to my friend Denis and I spoke a lot with his mother. Friends are very important for everybody. :)

Today, sunday, I went to Little Italy. I had lunch there! It was amazing! Awesome! I had Veal Parm & Salad, 16oz Blonde Dutch Beer and an Italian Espresso. After a lot of rainy and cold days, Today was warm (16 C) and sunny. So I had lunch outside.

Some pictures:

Lunch in Vaughan Mills ( Andreas, Fabio, Erick, Kiko and Chiquinha)

Little Italy

Cafe Diplomatico -

Os fera no Aeroporto! Fossil do T-Rex. propaganda do R.O.M

Fine for littering in the street?

NO BAG MAN! Homem do Saco nao e' bem vindo!

Credit Card Everywhere!

Hugs for all!


  1. Eu nao vejo a hora de chegar aí!!!! Falta pouco me espera!!!! Adorei esse post tbm!

    Te amo!

  2. Demorou o novo post!!!!

    Ta ficando preguiçoso???

    Adorei este post!


  3. haahahah adorei a foto do saco! xD
    e gostei das girias =) umas eu conhecia outras não.. =D

  4. oiiieee fazia alguns dias que não via teus posts!! Tô adorando tuas experências, adoro estas diversidades!!
    Te cuida aí e beijoo
