Thursday, April 29, 2010

19th day: Bad day in TTC

Hello everybody!

Thank you so much for messages in my blog.

This week I'm tirer than other weeks. My classes are harder than past classes.

Yesterday, after school I went to Metro (supermarket) I bought a box of Cereal Bars. It's a big box. Jumbo Box with 32 cereal bars. :)

Today my classes were the same. I had luch with brazilians friends.

After school I came to homestay. Today the TTC (Toronto Transit Commission) was really bad. The Sao PAulo's Subway is very better than Torontos's Subway; also, the buses were bad today.

There aren't a lot of fun this week, so the blog is slow! :)

It will be better! I hope it!

Some pictures:

Brazilians Japanese!

Nice picture!


Hugs for all!

A kiss for my girlfriend; also, for my mother!

P.S.: Please, help me to do this blog/text better. Correct my mistakes!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

17th Day: Schnell!

Hello Everybody!

Yesteday I didn't write for my blog! My day was normal. Really normal....

My day started differently. In the free newspaper Metro was on the front page one Brazilian News. A statement from Temporao. Look at the picture below.

My class in the morning was normal.
In the afternoon I went at the Pub withe Germans to watch a soccer game. Lyon x Bayern Munich.


Pub! Go Bayern, Go!

Hugs for all!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Fifeteenth Day: Two new Brazilians Fans!

Hello everybody!

Today was a calm day.
I went to Eaton Center. I bought a English Grammar Book - The Essentials of English (Ann

Hogue; Longman). I think the book is good. It was the last book of the store, and it is a

litle damage, so I asked discount. The seller laughted. But I saved 10%.

After I went to Starbucks. I drank the worst coffee of my life. It was weak but bitter.

At night I gave Liam and Lucas the brazilian t-shirts. Everybody liked them.

After dinner, I took the so expected picture with the boys!


Andreas, Lucas and Liam!


Grey Sky!

Hugs for all!

P.S.: Please, help me to do this blog/text better. Correct my mistakes!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Fourthteen Day: Art Gallery and Chinatown

Hello everybody!

Today I went to Art Gallery. It was nice!

I saw a lot of different kind of art. Something so stupid, but It was Art.

I liked the Lawren Harris's Paints.

After I went to Chinatown. I had lunch in a chinese restaurant. It was good. But I will stay one week far from Asian's Food. I can't to eat more sweet rice! Arght!

Some pictures:

Art Gallery

Art Gallery

Welcome to Chinatown!

Chinese Tea

Roasted Duck


Hugs for all!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Thirteenth day: Coffee with Steve and Casa Loma

Hello everybody!

Today I had breakfast with Steve, the teacher!

When the section over. Studentes and Teachers do something together.
Today we went to had breakfast in front the old City Hall. I ate a English bread, like a

Pao de Queijo, but Pao de Queijo is very very better!

In the Afternoon, Me, Richard and Mauricio went to Casa Loma. Casa Loma was Sir Henry Mill

Pellatt's House. Sir Henry was a prominent Toronto financier, industrialist and military


The house is huge! But in Brazil we have houses like this. Baroes's House.

At night I went to the PUB with my Brazilians Friends. We spoken Englisportuguese...

Some pictures:

Coffee with Steve! Germans and Brazukas!

Old City Hall

Old City Hall

Casa Loma

Would you like to have a dinner with me?

Swimming Pool


Hugs for all!

A big kiss for my girl!
Maju I love you!

P.S.: Please, help me to do this blog/text better. Correct my mistakes!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Twelveth day: Coffee Class and Green CN Tower

Hello everybody!

I had lunch in Indian Restaurant. Indian food is good. It's better than Vitnamese food. But I don't know why the rice is so sweety. I prefer rice with salt and garlic!
Today I had the last class with a teacher (English thru Film) so we went to drink a coffee together. The Tino the teacher and his three students, Hugo from Brazil, Minkiu from South Korea and me. It was cool. The teacher is very funny and friendly. He is from Siri Lanka.

My other classes were normal.

At dinner I had Omelete. Todd cooked to me. I don't know where were the others.

After dinner I went to CN Tower.
Because Palmeiras wons yesterday, so the CN TOWER is GREEN!

I'm kidding. Today is the Earth Day, so the CN TOWER is GREEN!

Some pictures:

Coffee Class!

Huge! My legs were shaking just to look up

Green CN Tower!

Roger Center

Hugs for all!

P.S.: Please, help me to do this blog/text better. Correct my mistakes!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Eleventh day: Museum day

When I was just a boy, I had a dream: To see the Dinosaurs!!!

Hello everybody!

In the morning I finnaly made my apresentation. It was good.
My classes in the afternoon were normal. Normal was my lunch today. I did'nt want to try a diferent food today. I ate chicken wrap.

After school two brazilians were talking about the Museum. One wanted to go, another no. And the guy who didn't like to go asked me if i would like to go.
So I aswered " How much I need to pay?"
He said " Nothing!"
I said "Ok! So tomorrow I pay to you a coffee or a beer"
He said " Ok!"

So look some pictures:


Now a car, a brand, or something else are status symbol. In the past this stuf was a status symbol. It was in front and inside the houses to say the family name and status.

It is to my lovely girlfriend! Like Teddy Bear!

The beast! T-Rex! The worst!

What is this?

BIG Piranha!

Panda Bear and me! Or Panda Bear and I!
What is the best way to write this?

Hokey and warriors!


Some people need to use this!

6-3-3! Oh Tricolor!!!!

Polar Bear


First Papai Noel's Alce!

It is to my sister. Harry Potter!

This monkey is funny!

Giant Japanese Spider Krab

Capivara Power everywhere!

Armor from Italy!

Hugs for all!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Tenth day: Of course, man! Join us!

Hello everybody!

In the morning we didn't have class. Because the germans had another activity. There were

just two another people and I. Luck, one of this was Stefan, and we finished the


In the afternoon I and another brazilians went to a mall to have lunch. I am a guy who like

adventure so I tryed to eat another kind of food. I ate Vietnamese Food. It was really,

really awful! The food has soap taste. Horrible!

After lunch I came back to school.

Today we finished to watch the movie "The History of Violence". This movie is very cool. We

began to watch "Crash".

In another class we talked about three different management styles.

After school I went to Union Station to buy Viarail tickets. While I was comming back I saw

that Dundas Square was a lot of people. So, I went there. It was a manif "pro-hemp" or

something else.

I looked a funny guy wearing a hemp costume. I said him. " Excuse me, I work in a Brazilian

Newspaper. May I take a picture of yourself?" He answered " Of course, man! Join us!" And

he said his email.

Some pictures:

AGAIN: No apology to drugs. Only one thing that I found on the street.

Let's try!


Awful! Nevermore!

Richard & Flavio, brazukas!

Hugs for all!

P.S.: Please, help me to do this blog/text better. Correct my mistakes!