Sunday, April 18, 2010

Seventh day: Brazilian Ice Cream!

Hello everybody!

One more tea, one more post!
Today: Bla bla bla ....

This stuff no more! I bougth a Internet Stick.

Well... Today was really cold for a brazilian. I was feeling me like an ice cream, or how said Justina, like a Popsicle.
I tried to meet the germans guys, but we had a communication problem. So, today I followed alone.

I was looking for a Internet Stick. Because my biggest problem is the comunication with the another guys.

I founded this on the Eaton Center ( Bell's Store). It was my first negotiation in English. My English was like a countryboy now it is better.

After I bought the Internet Stick I walked a lot again.
The funny is: I'm walking a lot, and I'm getting fat. So, I thought that it is better stay seated than go to walk to lose weight. I'm kidding of course!

I went to Royal Ontario Museum. I will back another day. Because, today was really expensive. I'm sorry!

While I was comming home, I saw "Everything for a Dollar Store". I went of course! I bought a stuff to cutr my nails, pens, gum (clorets) and pencil with Canada Flag.

In the homestay I had Penne, Salsicha, Vagem, Onion, Tomatoes, Chicken at dinner. I ate a lot again!

After dinner, Lucas inveted me to watch Star Wars. I watched with him.

So some pictures!!

Brazilians Birds are more beautiful than Canadians Birds. Of course!!

Mix Brazil-Canada

Museum Subway Station

Museum Subway Station. I saw a mummy in this subwaystaion. She was wearing a hat.

Dirty Bird. I hate this one!

Is Obama like a Bush? I'm sorry! Crazy....

Everybody eat McDonalds!

Everything for a Dollar Store. REALLY EVERYTHING!! I saw it.

Hugs for all!

Big kiss for Maju! 2 and a half years! :D

P.S.: Please, help me to do this blog/text better. Correct my mistakes!


  1. obaaa eu quero presentinhos de um dollar tb \o/

  2. ta tirando foto de pombo auhahuahuauh
    que decadencia AUHHUAHUAHUA

  3. 2 anos e meio de namoro!! quem diria!! serão mto bem comemorados em julho! Te amo! cada vez mais e obrigada por ser tudo isso que vc é para mim!

