Thursday, April 29, 2010

19th day: Bad day in TTC

Hello everybody!

Thank you so much for messages in my blog.

This week I'm tirer than other weeks. My classes are harder than past classes.

Yesterday, after school I went to Metro (supermarket) I bought a box of Cereal Bars. It's a big box. Jumbo Box with 32 cereal bars. :)

Today my classes were the same. I had luch with brazilians friends.

After school I came to homestay. Today the TTC (Toronto Transit Commission) was really bad. The Sao PAulo's Subway is very better than Torontos's Subway; also, the buses were bad today.

There aren't a lot of fun this week, so the blog is slow! :)

It will be better! I hope it!

Some pictures:

Brazilians Japanese!

Nice picture!


Hugs for all!

A kiss for my girlfriend; also, for my mother!

P.S.: Please, help me to do this blog/text better. Correct my mistakes!

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