Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Tenth day: Of course, man! Join us!

Hello everybody!

In the morning we didn't have class. Because the germans had another activity. There were

just two another people and I. Luck, one of this was Stefan, and we finished the


In the afternoon I and another brazilians went to a mall to have lunch. I am a guy who like

adventure so I tryed to eat another kind of food. I ate Vietnamese Food. It was really,

really awful! The food has soap taste. Horrible!

After lunch I came back to school.

Today we finished to watch the movie "The History of Violence". This movie is very cool. We

began to watch "Crash".

In another class we talked about three different management styles.

After school I went to Union Station to buy Viarail tickets. While I was comming back I saw

that Dundas Square was a lot of people. So, I went there. It was a manif "pro-hemp" or

something else.

I looked a funny guy wearing a hemp costume. I said him. " Excuse me, I work in a Brazilian

Newspaper. May I take a picture of yourself?" He answered " Of course, man! Join us!" And

he said his email.

Some pictures:

AGAIN: No apology to drugs. Only one thing that I found on the street.

Let's try!


Awful! Nevermore!

Richard & Flavio, brazukas!

Hugs for all!

P.S.: Please, help me to do this blog/text better. Correct my mistakes!