Monday, April 12, 2010

Second day: First day at school!

Hello everybody!
Another Chaii in the Starbucks and another post!

Today was my first day at school. I got up early, really early to don't miss anything.
The subway and the bus were easier than yesterday.
At school I met a lot of people, however a lot of brazilians too. I need to far from them. I met a swiss and a korean. They are nice. However I don't understand anything what korean says. He doesn't open his mouth to speak.
The swis is nice and I know what he speaks.
In the morning I wrote a English Test. I was very well.
Now, in the morning I will study Internacional Business II and in the afternoon I will study English Throught Film and Advertising Media.
After school I bought a notebook to note the classes.
I dinner with the family at 6 'clock and we go at the park play football and play soccer. In football I were really really bad. But, in the soccer I showed them that brazilian borns with ball in feet.
The boys liked to playing soccer and football with me, and I liked too.
It is nice here!

Ow... The picture of my bed:

Tomorrow I post more pictures!


Today I saw my first squirrel. I wasn't with my cam.


And to my girl, Maju, a big kiss!!

P.S.: Please, help me to do this blog/text better. Correct my wrongs!


  1. Hey babe!!

    I was really exciting waiting for your today´s post... just don´t want to miss what is going on with you up there :)

    Love and miss you!

  2. Mais uma vez precisando de dicionário!!!!
    Mas muito felizes!
    Aproveita bem!
    Bjos e te amamos
    Papai e mamãe

  3. Que orgulho deste guri!!!
    Isto aí mesmo, te afasta dos "brazilians" hehehe q aqui tu tem muitos brasileiros te esperando! Vale muito mais conhecer outras culturas!
    Ah e não te atucana com os koreanos, indianos e afins... eles falam muito ruim mesmo e não é tu o problema!
    Te cuida aí e quero ver mais fotos!
    Beijo Kika, Bia e Tia Dita

  4. pelo amor de Deus pindura alguma coisa nessa parede que ta parecendo que vc ta num hospital!!
    Have fun ;)
