Thursday, April 15, 2010

Fifth day: Business classes are better

Hello everybody!

One more tea, one more post!
Today: Green tea orange blossom

In the morning my class (International Business II) was nice again. I stayed a lot with Kriss (german guy). Our favorite subject is soccer. After class he said to teacher: " It is so stupid speak in English with other germany, but with a brazilian is very nice. It's very nice this cultural trade". Here is the same! It is very strange talking in English with another brazilian guy.
Ah! In the morning I and Kriss went to buy coffee in a Korean Store beside the school. Kenian coffee. The coffee here is like tea, but this was good. I told Kriss the german name of my uncles and aunts. Every them are germans but old german names! ho ho ho! Andresen is from Denamark, maybe. And what is Reuwsaat??? He spoke very well, but is it german???

In my English Thru Film class I did a presentation about The Godfather.

My another class I changed to Business Culture. Advertisin Media is very boring! It isn't to me to make ads! I prefer talk about Business and economy.

After my class I walked downtown. There are a lot of beggars.

I was looking for B&B and cheap hotels. I discovered in Canada the price to a single is the same to a couple.

I went to a big Adidas Store near from Eaton Center. I saw a guy wearing a Palmeiras T-Shirt. I went to talk with him in Portuguese, but he was a Korean/Japanese Guy.

Oh no!!! I forgot to say. In my first day here I discovered that there are Faith Show on TV like in Brazil.

The weather is good. In the morning and at night is cold. The wind is cold. In the afternoon is hot. Today was 16C.

At dinner we ate yesterday Pizza, cucumber, japanese noodles and salsicha. Maybe, I'm getting fat!

Court of Justice!

The garages behind the houses. Behind viella st.

No apology to drugs. Only one thing that I found on the street.

*Wait! The pictures of the family will come soon. They are scouts. I didn't see them right now. Just Justina.

Hugs for all!
Thank you for the comments. Really nice!

Special hugs for my brother and my sister.

P.S.: Please, help me to do this blog/text better. Correct my mistakes!


  1. Pulguinha!! seu blog está bem gostoso de acompanhar...continue assim!

    Seu inglês está cada vez melhor tbm!

    Keep looking for a place for me, please :)

    Te amo

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Reza a lenda que "Reuwsaat" é uma versão em plattdeutsch (um "dialeto" do norte da Alemanha sem prestígio) para "Rübensalad" no Hochdeutsch (alto alemao, de prestígio) cuja tradução seria "Salada de Beterraba"... mas nao sei ateh onde eh verdade...
    e valew pela dedicação :P
    (Ah, tb nao sei se eh assim q escreve plattdeutsch e Hochdeutsch... to com preguiça de pesquisar :P)

  4. Qdo eu tava na alemanha me falaram que reuwsaat tem origem holandesa...
