Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Third day: A lot of germans!

Hello everybody!!!

One more tea, one more post! Starbucks everyday!
Today: Green tea oarange blossom.

Today I have my first class of Internacional Business II. It was very nice! There are a lot of germans, me, and another brazilian. One german name atracted my attention, because it remember me my Guinea Pig. The name is Tobias. Well, after class I had lunch with germanies guys. They are "mao de vaca" (if anybody knows a expression in English for this, please, tell me) than me, and we ate Hot Dog.
In the afternoon the classes were normal. After the classes I stay in front of school talking with Eike, the swiss, Eduardo-brazilian and a boy from Middle East, his name is Aly, or something else.
At dinner we ate pasta (massa) and salmon (salmao). I said to Justina that the dinner was awesome. She liked a lot because I said "awesome". "awesome" is more than "delicious".

Ahh ... At dinner I laughed a lot with the history about the Justina and Todd's honeymoon in Cuba.

After dinner, while I was writing this text, Lucas came here to invite me to play baseball at the park. I played. It was cool!

Hugs for all!

Today a big kiss will to my mother. Moniquinha, I love you.

See ya!

Andreas, Eduardo e Eike.

Viella Street!


  1. Oi amor!! hj estou cansada.. entao vai em portuga mesmo... adorei ver fotos! agora tira da frente da casa e dos membros da sua familia! estou curiosa!!

    te amo! e a saudade já está batendo...

  2. Oi Filho!
    Fiquei super feliz de conversar com vc no msn ontem!
    Que bom que vc está bem!

  3. To acompanhando!
    Achei legal a idéia de escrever em ingles! To esperando mais fotos :D

    Abraços! o/

  4. Que agonia essa casa branca! que horror! No inverno deve ser a maior depressao!
    Mostra fotos da familia! =)

  5. Germans guys?? Nice!!
    I want to see the pics!!
