Thursday, April 22, 2010

Twelveth day: Coffee Class and Green CN Tower

Hello everybody!

I had lunch in Indian Restaurant. Indian food is good. It's better than Vitnamese food. But I don't know why the rice is so sweety. I prefer rice with salt and garlic!
Today I had the last class with a teacher (English thru Film) so we went to drink a coffee together. The Tino the teacher and his three students, Hugo from Brazil, Minkiu from South Korea and me. It was cool. The teacher is very funny and friendly. He is from Siri Lanka.

My other classes were normal.

At dinner I had Omelete. Todd cooked to me. I don't know where were the others.

After dinner I went to CN Tower.
Because Palmeiras wons yesterday, so the CN TOWER is GREEN!

I'm kidding. Today is the Earth Day, so the CN TOWER is GREEN!

Some pictures:

Coffee Class!

Huge! My legs were shaking just to look up

Green CN Tower!

Roger Center

Hugs for all!

P.S.: Please, help me to do this blog/text better. Correct my mistakes!


  1. hehehehe liked the green tower, but not because Palmeiras aheaeohiaehae eca xD

  2. Como vc está lindo!!

    te amo!
