Friday, April 16, 2010

Sixth day: Underberg is someone who lives under the mountain!

Hello everybody!

One more tea, one more post!
Today: Green Tea: China Green Tips ( It's awful! It's like grass tea)

My day was really nice!
The morning class ( Internationmal Business II) was the same. Very good! The teacher is nice!
In the afternoon I walked a lot, really a lot, on donwtown! So I am looking for rooms, good rooms!
After I walked a lot downtown, I back to school to meet with the german guys. I stay all the afternoon with them.
We went to Eaton Center to shopping. I don't know if all the germans are like my sister, but they love shopping.
After the shopping we went to a pub. My first day on a Canadian Pub. It was very very good!
I studied some german words like " Undenberg" and " Jägermeister". So, "Undenberg" is someone under the mountains, or, someone who lives under the mountais. "Jägermeister" is The Best Hunter. It is like a " Pele of hunters". Pub is culture too. I taught than about the ABinBev (the bigest beer company of the world!).

So some pictures!!

A metropolitan squirrel!

Very nice germans!

Eaton Center!


Hugs for all!

The special hug will be to my uncle Valter. Because, today mornig he said me: "Today is friday. If you don't drink some beer I will drink a beer to you."

P.S.: Please, help me to do this blog/text better. Correct my mistakes!


  1. Aii meu gordinho! Está com o rostinho mais cheio! tá lindo lindo!!

    te amo! bom fds! aproveite muito!


  2. Grandes fotos estão lindas...
    e blog muito bom... claro q tenho tradutoras particulares...isso q dah fugir das aulas de ingles... argh!!!!!


    Te cuida...

    Bjossss Bia, Kika e Dorovéia!!!!!
