Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Fourth day: Oh!!! It is the Little Italy!

Hello everybody!

One more tea, one more post!
Today: Herbal Vanilla Tea.

My morning started diferent. Instead of I went to the normal bus stop walking (less than 10 minutes far from homestay) I discovered a bus stop nearest (3 minutes) and this bus was written Keele, the same of the normal bus. However, I had to trade the bus and I didn't do that. I went to another place. When I realize ("realize" é "perceber" e nao "realizar", nessa eu ajudei voce, hein?) I was in the middle of the Little Italy. There were Gino's Store, "barraquinha de fruta" in the "calcada" (please someone help me with the keyboard! I can't put "acentos" and the special "c") and others stores with Italian names.
So, to get lost or take wrong bus are good things to discovery another places!
Ow! Don't worry! I was on time at school. I am getting up earlier than I need.

My classes were good. I prefer International Business II, because we talk about economy. I'm learning a lot of economy words. I had lunch in Eaton Center. I went with Eduardo, Tobias, Patrick and another german. I ate hamburger-Papa Burger and we talked about soccer.
In the afternoon my classes are not so interesting. I'm speaking English, but the classes are normal. There are a Funny Korean. He is a nice guy! I gave him a Pacoquita. He loved this! I gave another! Hahaha! Brazilian candy! Now, Brazil is Pele and Pacoquita!
Talking about Pele: A german guy said: "Pele is better than Maradona!" Hahahaha!

One thing that paied my attention today: There are subway stations inside some shopping mall, and College.

The weather is good. In the morning and at night is cold. The wind is cold. In the afternoon is hot. Today was 16C.

At dinner we ate Pizza - made in home. Wholewheat (massa integral) I think!

I don't know what is it.
CN Tower.

Gaivotas at the park!


P.S.: Please, help me to do this blog/text better. Correct my mistakes!

P.S.:: Listening Frank Sinatra singing " Brasil.... bla bla bla bla". Tom Jobins's song.


  1. Oi Meu filho!

    Acabei de chegar de Campinas!!!
    Não posso ajudar muito vc com a melhora do blog e inglês... vc entende né!!!

    Para mim está ótimo!

    Um grande bjo.
    Te amamos

  2. Parabéns pelo blog...
    Interessante a forma como você relata, diariamente, um modo de vida diferente do nosso.
    Conte um pouco mais sobre os membros da família com que você está vivendo.

  3. "Because of you I never stray too far from the sidewalk because of you"
    sidewalk- calçada
    musicas ajudam mto também! tenta descobrir bandas canadenses nao conhecidas aqui!
    as 3 fotos são lindas!! e paçoquinha é mesmo otimo! hehehe

  4. Amor!!! Hj vai ter foto da familia?! quero ver os menininhos que falam " See ya Andreas" hahaha! que fofos!!

    Estou com mta saudade de vc meu pulguinha!

    te amo!

  5. hahahaha tô adorando este blog!!!!
    Escreve sempre....
    Amei as fotos!!!
    Kika e tia Dita
