Sunday, April 18, 2010

Eighth day: High Park! Keep walking...

Hello everybody!

Today is sunday. So, I got up late.

I had breakfast. I had cornflakes, bread and coffee.

After I played chess with Lucas.

In the afternoon I went at High Park.

High Park - 1873 Bloor St. W. -
I walked at Park. I will be "Andreas The Walker".

I came home to read a text to school. After I had dinner. Todd gived me a chocolate. Coffee Crisp-Nestle. It was good.

When I came to my room to rest. Lucas inveted me for a walk with them. I accepted. So, I walked again.

I learned a expression with Liam. "SICK!!!" Sick is more than "cool" or "nice".

So everybody! Have a nice week!

Some pictures!!

Brazilian Restaurant - It was closed.

New way to parking!

High Park - Legend

High Park - Maple Leaf

High Park - Trees

High Park - More Trees

High Park - Chipmunk




Barbary Sheep

White FallowDeer


I with my big nose and a grimace.

This flower are for all womens in my life. My mother, my girlfriend, my sister, my aunts, my cousins, mother-in-law!

Hugs for all!

P.S.: Please, help me to do this blog/text better. Correct my mistakes!


  1. Oi Meu Filho!
    Hoje passeaste bastante e tiraste fotos pelo menos!!!!

    Ainda faltam as fotos da familia.!

    Bjos tb estamos com saudades!

  2. Oi!!

    traga um chipmunk para mim!!!

    Bjos!! te amo!

  3. Eu AMO arvores assim!! tipo Outono =)
